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Coffee in Bed

Case Study: Nyonya Piyama

Nyonya Payama, a leading direct-to-consumer (D2C) pajama brand in Indonesia known for its focus on comfort and style, now looking to expand into new categories.

Client brief

  • Focused primarily on pajamas with limited supplier relationships.

  • No prior experience in sourcing products outside their core category.

  • Relied on internal teams to navigate new category expansions without external support.

Friends in Hotel Room


Product discovery




Quality control

Problems the client has faced

Lack of expertise

Lack of expertise and supplier connections for seamless underwear.

Quality control

High risk of missteps in quality control and supplier vetting.

High costs

Time and cost constraints with their internal team trying to manage new category sourcing.

Our solutions

Proven expertise

Sourcy provided curated supplier options with proven expertise in seamless underwear.

Quality control

QA processes and monitoring ensured high-quality products that aligned with Nyonya Payama’s brand standards.​

Category expansion

Reduced the complexity of entering a new product category, enabling the brand to focus on marketing and customer acquisition.

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In Numbers


Sourcing time reduction


Product expansion

Reading a Book

Scale your brand with profitable products

Research less and focus on growing the business. Experience worry-free sourcing as we help you with discovery, negotiations and logistics.

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